How To: Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

How to Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBookWant to drop Amazon's DRM from a Kindle eBook you've purchased? As the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way. And, in this case, there are actually a couple of ways: One method uses Calibre and works for both Windows and Mac users, the other uses an AppleScript and is Mac exclusive. To maximize the usefulness of this guide, we've chosen to excerpt a tutorial that uses the OS-agnostic method. Mac users looking to find a writeup of the latter method, however, should look here.

How to Crack the Amazon Kindle DRM (PC/MAC)

How to Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook


  • You must already be able read your eBooks, either on your computer or on your eBook reader—Kindle, Nook, etc. If you cannot read eBooks on your on your computer or on your ebook reader, you won't be able to remove the DRM. Contact your ebook retailer and sort out any problems reading your ebooks before trying to remove the DRM.

Step 1 Download and install Calibre for your OS.

How to Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

Step 2 Download the latest Combined Tools package and unzip it.

How to Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

Step 3 Run Calibre. Click Preferences. Click Plugins.

How to Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

Step 4  Click on the large "Add a new plugin" button

How to Remove Amazon's DRM from Any Kindle eBook

For the remaining steps, click through to Apprentice Alf's Ebook Formats, DRM and You — A Guide for the Perplexed!

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Why is DRM there in the first place? To protect the rights of authors. Thanks - for nothing :-(

DRM is there to protect the company selling the products, and doesn't have anything to do with the rights of authors. In real life, if I buy a book, I own it. I can sell it, trade it, give it away to my friends, and rip it apart if I want to. If I purchase an ebook though, I can't do any of that stuff - I can't even "lend" it to a friend without a publisher's approval. Taking away the DRM from ebooks gives users/consumers more control over their purchases. Personally I'd been looking for an easy guide to use Calibre so I can read my Kindle purchases on something besides my Kindle. Thanks getexcellent!

i cannot find the tools link it is dead from above, very frustrating.

I also have winrar on my computer so it changes everything to rar and Calibre wants it in zip format so I am having issues with this as well. I actually d/l the new tools v3.6

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