Thanks to Yifan Lu, it's been discovered that the operating system running on the Kindle Touch is written mostly in HTML5 and JavaScript, unlike the previous models which used Java. This is exciting, because when a device is hacked or rooted, that means homebrew programs can be run on the device, maximizing its potential and getting the most for your money.
Don't be too disappointed if you don't have the spiffy new Kindle Touch, there is an up side. The benefit to owning the older (duller) models is that the firmware remains the same throughought generations, so the hacks retain their usefulness. This has given the modding community for Kindle a bunch of time to flourish, with tons of great code, hacks and homebrew.
According to, Kindle was their best-selling item this year, which means many, if not all of you are playing with a brand new Kindle on Christmas Day. Of all of Amazon's Kindle models, the Kindle 3 (6") will be the most common eReader in everyone's hands, either the Wi-Fi version or the 3G model.
The Amazon Kindle 2 has changed the way millions of people read books, but many of you aren't taking full advantage of your device's many advanced features. This video will show you how to use some advanced features of the Kindle 2, including how to highlight text, annotate text, and add a bookmark.
Interested in adding a new book to your digital collection? It's easy! And this brief video tutorial from the folks at Butterscotch will teach you everything you need to know. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started buying and downloading eBooks from the Amazon bookstore to your own Kindle 2 or Kindle 3 eReader, take a look.
Check out this awesome tip from CNET on getting FREE eBooks of the web and onto your Amazon Kindle for easy and cheap reading. They show you the exact process for getting free ebooks for your Kindle, so watch and learn. It's worth it!
See how easy it is to install media on your Amazon Kindle! CNET Quick Tips shows you how to use the USB cable to put your own documents on the Kindle to read later. You can add music and text files by simply dragging and dropping the files onto the Kindle from your computer. This video makes it all look so easy.
Want to skip ahead in an eBook? Watch this computer tutorial video to learn how to jump to a new location in the Amazon Kindle. Jumping pages in the Kindle video will be easy once you've mastered the tips in this how-to video.
See how easy it is to use the Amazon Kindle eBook reader. This Quick Tips video from CNET shows you how to use the built-in dictionary to look up those hard, mystifying, multi-syllabic words. Finding defintions has never been easier while reading a book.
Check out this Quick Tips video from CNET to learn how to bookmark pages in the Amazon Kindle so you can make sure you don't lose your place, or mark a really juicy part for later. Never get lost again during your eBook reading!
Watch this CNET Quick Tips video to learn how to add your own MP3s for background music on the Amazon Kindle. Some readers just like to listen to music as they read, and the Kindle makes that easy. It's as easy as dragging and dropping your digitla music files onto your Kindle from your computer.
New to Amazon's Kindle 2? Learn how to register your Kindle 2, shop in the Kindle Store, read books on Kindle 2, and more. This is an official video from Amazon on how to use your digital book. This is the future guys. Also, check out the free Kindle iPhone app!